HB 1309 — The Mobile Home Park Act Oversight Bill of 2019 supports Colorado MHP Residents with the following measures now in effect:

• Beginning May 1, 2020 MHP residents can individually or collectively get their rights enforced by submitting complaints, conflicts, and concerns about how your park is managed to the NEW Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program (DREP) administered by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

• Your County Commissioners now have the authority to enact and enforce ordinances regulating Mobile Home Parks within your county.

• You now have 10 days to pay overdue rent (instead of 5)

• You now have 30-60 days (instead of 48 hours) to sell or move following a court- ordered eviction notice.

Short History of How the MHP Oversight Program Started

Key 2018 Event: As the result of a request submitted by CoCoMHO, Colorado’s Dept. of Regulatory Affairs investigates reports of abuses of Mobile Home Park (MHP) residents, and issues a "Sunrise Review" which finds that “Clearly, harm is occurring” due to “loose regulatory structure” and recommends strengthening MHP laws and enforcement.

• Representatives Edie Hooton and Julie McCluskie, supported by Senators Fenberg and Lee, introduce legislation, HB 19-1309, aka “The Mobile Home Park Act Oversight Bill," which gives counties home rule authority to enact local MHP ordinance, and importantly, sets up a state program  — the MHP Oversight Program, to enforce residents' rights  — and enlist support from non-profit and citizen organizations.

• CoCoMHO's education campaign, along with phenomenal outreach by 9to5 and Together Colorado bring MHP residents and their supporters out, who then email, call, write in, and provide personal testimony to House and Senate members regarding HB 19-1309. It passes!, and is now in effect.

• CoCoMHO continues to engage MHP residents with important work, informing residents of the MHP Oversight Program getting residents out to Program stakeholder meetings, contributing proposed administrative rules, and providing feedback on how the rules will impact MHP residents.

• This work is ONGOING and we want to include your voice!

Colorado Coalition of Manufactured Home Owners

1561 S Foothills Hwy Ofc
Boulder, CO 80305, US

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Did you know that all of the trees in an aspen grove are connected to a single root system?  At CoCoMHO we seek to grow a secure protective canopy for Colorado’s Mobile Home Residents by providing a place where we can connect on matters of shared concern, shared successes, and shared ideas.

© 2025 CoCoMHO
